Hello my dear friend. Welcome to my primitive site.

Hi there. My nick is a whitestingray74.

A little about me: I'm an artist, musician and just a creative person (I was told so).

If you think about it, it doesn't matter who I am... With this text, I can create any image in your head.

I like different music, I like to be everywhere in a little bit.

Most of the time I study theoretical physics, robotics, radio engineering, information security and programming languages on my own (this is not my profession yet, maybe), I like it.

Sometimes I drink a little bit.

Some links for you:

My contacts:

@whitestingray74 in Telegram.

Music history.

Russian-speaking topics about music instruments on my domen (in work).

Psychological warfare inside a erazed person.

Russian-speaking tg channel of my friend.

There are a lot of his arts, music and also my photos (sometimes).

Content there is specific, but it's more fun, isn't it?

Hi also has a first and a second (punk rock) albums on Yandex Music.

Cope harder, loser.

This is desup6's tg channel. He also has page on neocities.


Yt channel.

There are a lot of interesting technical videos. Thanks to desup6 for telling me about this channel.

Black Wings Society.

There are links to other pages on the same domain.

There is Cyberia Club. This is fandom of "Experiments Lain" anime.

Good music (mostly sinthwave and retrowave) in perfect design.

Dig Deeper (on neocities.org).

Useful resource about security software and more. Thanks again desup6.

Kali Linux Lectures.

I had been watching this yt channel, when I was a kid. Then I thought,that kali is the best os ever XD.

There are russian-translated videos about Kali Linux and also ethical hacking.

Basimir Gitarsky.

This guy turns metal songs in hardbass.

Journey to the edge of universe.

Voyage on images taken from the Hubble telescope. Explore the science and history behind the distant celestial bodies in the solar system.

VTosters App.

Imho this is a best and secure vk client.

Bright Side.

Yt channel. There are some interesting videos about the space in 3D.


Russian-speaking yt channel about electronics and radio engineering simply and shortly.

Sergey Letov.

Russian Jazz-men, multi-instumentalist. He also has page on vk and tg channel.

about optimisation
